Sunday, March 10, 2013

Global Markets, Economies Mired in Early Stages of Biggest Disaster Ever

Global Markets, Economies Mired in Early Stages of Biggest Disaster Ever

By Elliott Wave International

The following is a sample from Elliott Wave International's new 40-page report, The State of the Global Markets -- 2013 Edition: The Most Important Investment Report You'll Read This Year. This article was originally published in Robert Prechter's September 2012 Elliott Wave Theorist.

Global markets and economies are mired in the early stages of the biggest disaster ever. Most people think both areas are in the early stages of a prolonged recovery, but in fact they are on the cusp of the second downturn, which will be of epic proportion.

The world is in the grip of a bear market. You wouldn’t know it from watching the S&P and the NASDAQ, but just about every other major market average in the world has been falling, including those of China, Japan, Europe, the BRICs, emerging markets, and even the broad U.S. market, shown in the chart below. And these indexes have fallen far further in inflation-adjusted terms.

A Global Bear Market

Global-equity hedge funds, run by the smartest people in the business, have lost money for clients over the past 10 years. According to Income Research & Management and Bloomberg, over that time annual five-year returns have been up for two years, flat (0.0-0.8% gain) for three years, and negative for five years.

Our recommended short position in 2007-2009 gives us a positive five-year stock market experience. But we returned to a bearish stance too early. If we lived in China, our timing would have caught the exact top of the rally; if we lived in Europe, our current trade would be at a profit, too; but we don’t live in China or Europe. Only in the U.S. does the levitation continue, and even then it’s only in the blue-chip averages. The broad U.S. market, comprising all NYSE stocks, topped out nearly a year and a half ago, per the New York Composite Index shown at the bottom of the chart.

Market perversity is on display here, as both bulls and bears are suffering their own special water torture.

Many bullish fund managers have lost money since April 2011, because their portfolios tend to mirror the broad market. Garrett Jones reminded us that the most-owned stocks among institutions are down by a full one-third since 2000, as shown by the Institutional Index, a capitalization-weighted index of the 75 most-owned stocks by institutions (see the figure inside the State of the Global Markets report). Yet aggressive bears who shorted the S&P or NASDAQ have lost money, too, since the futures-related markets have risen.

It seems pertinent that only the indexes that one can leverage in quantity with futures -- the S&P and NASDAQ -- have risen over the past several months. Maybe this selectivity is for technical reasons, but there might be another explanation. Institutions, not the public, have driven the rally, and they can borrow billions of dollars from banks to leverage their bets. The divergent action among the indexes suspiciously fits the circumstance that major investment banks can make a lot of money by buying futures and then committing their own and clients’ funds to buying stocks that push up those particular underlying indexes. They could even sell other stocks to make it happen. Employing that strategy would account for the big differences in the averages over the past half-year. The low volume and volatility help serve up the opportunity. When the current plateau of optimism ends, the indexes now leading on the upside will catch up quickly on the way down. But in the meantime it’s an annoying situation, as momentum-based sell signals are flashing continually but the market has yet to succumb.

Adding to the injury is that fact that all of these indexes have been re-priced higher in dollar terms due to the temporary re-expansion of dollar-based credits since 2009. A chart on page 7 of The State of the Global Markets report shows the real path of stock values.

Most people seem to believe that the Fed has engineered the stock market rally. I also keep reading about how ECB President Mario Draghi is making stock markets go up by announcing bond purchases. This is wrong. As shown in the chart above, European stocks are below their highest level since the ECB bond-buying programs began. Likewise the largest debt-buying program the Fed ever undertook -- a $1.3 trillion binge -- occurred in 2008, and it failed to prevent the biggest bear market since 1932. The bear market ended three months after the Fed stopped the program. The Fed and the ECB are not the primary cause of optimism or rising stock prices. The rally was due for natural reasons, i.e., a swing toward more positive social mood, which our market forecasting publications anticipated. But QEs and other policies do provide big institutions with nearly unlimited credit, allowing them in optimistic times to put it to use. Doing so temporarily elevates prices beyond what they would be if unlimited credit weren’t available.

Optimism is necessary to allow the Fed and its banks to create credit for financial speculation, which keeps the market levitating. Conversely, when pessimism returns -- as it soon will -- the reduction of leverage will add to selling pressures.

Robert Prechter is the founder and president of Elliott Wave International, the world's largest financial forecasting firm. The rest of EWI's 40-page report, The State of the Global Markets -- 2013 Edition: The Most Important Investment Report You'll Read This Year, is available for download. Follow this link to download the full report – for free.

Two Signs That Deflation Is Far From Over

Two Signs That Deflation is Far From Over
A key economic index turns south

By Elliott Wave International

The federal government defines the Producer Price Index (PPI) as "the average change over time in the selling prices received by domestic producers for their output."

With help from the Federal Reserve's massive inflationary policies, the PPI has climbed even as the economy began to fall in 2008-09.

All the while, the financial media persisted with stories of an economic recovery. EWI analysts offer an independent perspective.

The New York Times declares, "Economic Gloom Starting to Lift."

Corporate America, however, is not so sure. This chart of producer prices [wave labels removed] probably illustrates why. After years of largely uninterrupted growth, the Producer Price Index appears to be on the cusp of a critical reversal that should turn into a steady decline in wholesale prices.

The latest Financial Forecast published Dec. 7, and the latest evidence reinforces the message of the chart's title. The PPI elevator has already descended to a lower floor.

The Labor Department said its seasonally adjusted producer price index slipped 0.8 percent last month, the second straight decline.

November's drop in wholesale prices was the sharpest since May.

Reuters, Dec. 13

The Producer Price Index decline is happening in tandem with a notable reversal in consumer sentiment.

The Thomson Reuters/University of Michigan's preliminary reading of the overall index on consumer sentiment plunged to 74.5 in early December, the lowest level since August.

It was far below November's figure of 82.7.

Reuters, Dec. 7

The Federal Reserve's machinations -- which includes the Dec. 12 announcement of $45-billion in monthly Treasury bond purchases -- will not stave off a developing deflationary trend.

In the second edition of Conquer the Crash (p. 114), Robert Prechter describes what generally happens, depending on the position of the Elliott waves, near the end of the Kondratieff cycle.

Near the end of the cycle, the rates of change in business activity and inflation slip to zero. When they fall below zero, deflation is in force. As liquidity contracts, commodity prices fall more rapidly, and prices for stocks, wages and wholesale and retail goods join in the decline. When deflation ends and prices reach bottom, the cycle begins again.

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This article was syndicated by Elliott Wave International and was originally published under the headline Two Signs That Deflation is Far From Over. EWI is the world's largest market forecasting firm. Its staff of full-time analysts led by Chartered Market Technician Robert Prechter provides 24-hour-a-day market analysis to institutional and private investors around the world.

[Video] Bollinger Band Basics

[Video] Bollinger Band Basics
Senior Analyst Jeffrey Kennedy shows you how these volatility indicators support pattern recognition

By Elliott Wave International

As a technical trader, are you able to view financial market fluctuations clearly and reliably?
At Elliott Wave International, we hold that the Elliott Wave Principle is the most effective tool for analysis. Yet the Wave Principle works well with other technical tools. If you are ready to trade with Elliott, our educational subscription editor Jeffrey Kennedy can teach you how to integrate ancillary technical indicators -- such as Bollinger bands -- to build high-confidence setups in the markets you trade.
Bollinger bands identify periods of increased and decreased market volatility. Learn about the significance of these fluctuations in this video about Bank of America Corp. (BAC) taken from Jeffrey's Elliott Wave Junctures service:

Here are Jeffrey's notes from the lesson:
Bollinger bands form a two-period standard deviation channel based on a 20-period simple moving average. This channel will contain 95% of all price action with the moving average acting as a center line, which often provides support and resistance. The width of the Bollinger bands increases and decreases with market volatility.
Narrow Bollinger bands coincide with low market volatility, which often leads to big price moves. Option traders like this because option prices are low at this time. Conversely, wide bands imply that market volatility is high, which translates into expensive options.
The recent narrowing of the Bollinger bands in BAC signals decreasing volatility. Since periods of low volatility precede periods of high volatility, look for a big move in the days to come.

Learn to Apply Some of the Most Powerful Technical Methods to Your Trading
Get more lessons like this in a FREE 10-lesson video series from Elliott Wave International. Analyst Jeffrey Kennedy will show you how to incorporate technical methods into your trading to help you spot high-confidence trade setups. You'll learn the methods the professional traders use, like Elliott waves, MACD, RSI, candlestick patterns, Fibonacci and more!
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